Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Community Party Prep

"Hola a todos! Soy Anna." haha... my famous quote from the radio...

So lately, I've been helping out with Christmas and the community party we're going to have on Saturday. We've put together more than 300 gift bags for the kids that contain candy, animal crackers, a tooth brush, a stuffy, etc. We're going to plan some kids games (I really hope we end up doing the fishing game)... We're also going to buy some bread and Coke and I think the cook is making a pineapple cake or something.

I've also been wrapping presents and labelling 90 Christmas stockings.
Yesterday I got to go to Ambato because my friend goes every week to buy groceries there. So I go to the mall to buy "american" food meaning a hamburger, fries and a frappaccino kind of thing... Mmmm... so good!

Preschool has also been going very good and the kids are learning lots. We're mostly focusing on the colours, numbers and vowels.

And thanks to my parents I now have a nice warm jacket I can wear for Street Church and outings at night!

Thanks to everyone that has been praying for me and helping me financially. I really appreciate it!


  1. Anna! Sounds like you're keeping busy. I always love reading your posts, keep them coming! And maybe you should email me the address of where you're living, I could send you a package or letter in the mail! I'd love to have a pen pal, that would be so much fun. Miss you.

  2. Anna!!!!!!! I love all of this, Im so happy for you and for the thigs you are doing there.

    Keep like that(or better), love you.
