Monday, October 25, 2010

Kingdom Day and Canadian Thanksgiving

All of the kids at the Ark Children´s Home along with the Allan family and a few friends.

Everyone is dressed like royalty to symbolize how we´re sons and daughters of the King of kings.

A girl named Anahela that was originally from the jungle home they had in Macas.

Felipe: my former preschool student that no longer lives at the orphanage, but goes to school there and comes to visit.

First, we had a battle outside with swords and then we went inside to play balloon volleyball.

Another battle with Daniel. He lent me his Dagger of Time from the Prince of Persia so we could fight!

The amazing Thanksgiving dinner we had... nothing compares to mashed potatoes, turkey, stuffing and gravy!

Riobamba, Baños, Ambato

View of Baños after a hike up a lot of stairs.

Baños has a ton of natural hot spring pools and a fountain that claims it has holy water... it really just tastes like Guitig (a carbonated water!)

Part of the Jesus Family that went to Ambato for a skateboard competition.

A lot of them are passionate about skateboarding and do it for Jesus.

One of them that didn´t have a skateboard won a free one that was thrown into the crowd... he definitely deserved it!

Main street in Riobamba... we walk down here all the time to go to Street Church or the jail.

The Saturday market in Riobamba.

Debora and I started going every week to buy our fresh produce. They sell stuff by $1 or 50 cents... The avacados and pineapples and are so good and farely cheap.

Our Apartment

Outside our apartment where we wash laundry.

Make sure you put clothes pins on your clothes becuase if they fall they might land in dog poop!

If you´re taking a shower and the water suddenly turns off you might have to tell your friend to go to your neighbour to explain that she can´t wash clothes right then... water issues are something we don´t deal with in Canada very much!

Our messy bunk bed right by the outside window.

We´ve had many strangers knock on our window at strange hours asking for someone I don´t even know... However, we´ve had many surprise visits as well from friends, which are always welcome!

Our dining table/counter for preparing food. It´s perfect for 2 people!

Our livng room and couch... you´d be surprised how many people can fit on that thing!

Our stove where we cook and our broken oven that we use as a refrigerator!

My 22nd Birthday Party in the apartment with the Jesus Family.

Debora and I were still feeling slightly sick from the food poisoning we got, but friends always make everything better!

Our little bathroom.

Our famous shower that likes to electricute (spelling?) us... it´s wise to use a hairbrush to turn it on!

Our mini kitchen. We wash dishes here and store a little food.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

One Month Left :(

Hey Everyone. This might be the last blog update from South America. After arriving in Ecuador over a year ago it´s kind of sad to think I´ll be leaving so soon. I will definitely miss the people here that I´ve gotten to know and seen grow in their faith. However, the time hasn´t come so I´ll go ahead and tell you what´s new.

First, I want to share about Sunday at the Ark Children´s Home. We celebrated Thanksgiving and Kingdom Day together (everyone dresses up like princes and princesses to symbolize how we are sons and daughters of the King of kings). It was cool becuase I was able to celebrate it last year too.

My favorite memory from this day was playing with one of my former preschool students, Felipe. He doesn´t live at the orphanage anymore, but goes to school there and comes to visit. He pleaded with me to play fight with him (all the boys and some girls had play swords) and then to play volleyball with a balloon. I think I enjoyed it as much as Felipe did!

A few weeks ago I felt a strong desire and need to pray for the Jesus Family (what we call the members of the Street Church). Debora and I were able to go on some prayer walks and really intercede for the people. It´s such a blessing being able to know them individually. I find it more motivating to pray and easier to pray for specific needs.

This last week I was able to write encouraging notes to the majority of the Street Church. I may not be able to lead worship or preach in Spanish very well, but I believe God is using me in other ways.

This past month I´ve also been taking some Haitian Creole classes to prepare for my more long term dream of starting a ministry in the Dominican Republic. Even if my Creole is not even close to my level of Spanish I believe it will help build a small bridge between me and the Haitians I hope to work with.

The last thing I want to share is about a guy named Bienvenido. I talked about him a long time ago. He´s the one with a tattoo of 3 tears on his face and used to be in a gang and steal. He turned to Jesus, but still had some old habits left.

Well, just a few weeks ago some friends and I were in a church service and there were few seats left so some of us sat separately. As I was looking around for friends I saw this guy with this hands lifted and singing to God with all this heart. A couple minutes later Debora asks if that´s Bienvenido and I say ¨No¨right away because to me Bienvenido has shorter hair, is way skinnier and doesn´t act like that. Low and behold, the guy turns around and it is Bienvenido! I was so happy and excited that someone´s life could turn around so much because of Jesus. Praise God. Pray that Bienvenido will keep growing closer to the Lord and that he won´t fall back into his old way of life.

Thanks for reading and enjoy the pictures I´m going to post soon.

