Monday, October 25, 2010

Our Apartment

Outside our apartment where we wash laundry.

Make sure you put clothes pins on your clothes becuase if they fall they might land in dog poop!

If you´re taking a shower and the water suddenly turns off you might have to tell your friend to go to your neighbour to explain that she can´t wash clothes right then... water issues are something we don´t deal with in Canada very much!

Our messy bunk bed right by the outside window.

We´ve had many strangers knock on our window at strange hours asking for someone I don´t even know... However, we´ve had many surprise visits as well from friends, which are always welcome!

Our dining table/counter for preparing food. It´s perfect for 2 people!

Our livng room and couch... you´d be surprised how many people can fit on that thing!

Our stove where we cook and our broken oven that we use as a refrigerator!

My 22nd Birthday Party in the apartment with the Jesus Family.

Debora and I were still feeling slightly sick from the food poisoning we got, but friends always make everything better!

Our little bathroom.

Our famous shower that likes to electricute (spelling?) us... it´s wise to use a hairbrush to turn it on!

Our mini kitchen. We wash dishes here and store a little food.

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