We began our journey after a long, hard year of studying as 2nd year science students at UBCO. We had especially connected after having breaks together and being a part of the same Organic Chemistry Family (a group that suffers along side you when you attempt to do pre-, post-, and in- lab assignments). A decir verdad, ya no me gusta estudiar las ciencias. I am writing this line because the computer does not seem to want to leave a space so I am forcing it too! lol.
I stayed with a Guatemalan family in Antigua for a week and that was one of my most unforgettable experiences. I had a taste of how a lot of the world lives. I had my first encounter with Horchata (a rice drink), home-made corn tortillas, and fresh fruit punch (made by chopping up fruit and throwing it in a jar). I had to get used to only curtains separating me (in my bedroom or in the bathroom, for example) from the rest of the family... letting my underwear air dry (outside for the world to see)... and struggling to communicate with my new family. No, en serio, estoy muy llena. ¡No puedo comer más!
I learned a lot about coffee on my trip. The amount of work that goes into the whole process is incredible. It is also a story of abuse. A lot of the workers in developing nations that do almost all of the labour receive poor wages and are subjected to poor working conditions. Somethings are improving, but I was shocked to discover how coffee beans are roasted when done the old-fashioned way. This lady used an open fire in her house. Most of us foreigners could not even watch because the smoke burned our eyes and we felt suffocated. It helped me realize the importance of true fair trade coffee (whether it is certified or not).
I met this girl, Maria, during our trip to Lake Atitlan. She was trying to sell me something, but I wanted to practice my (much needing-help) Spanish. She ended
up following me and I asked every question I knew in Spanish. How old are you? ¿Cuántos años tienes? How many brothers and sisters do you have? ¿Cuántos hermanos tienes? What are their names? ¿Cómo se llaman? How old are they? ¿Cuántos años tienen? How many languages do you speak? ¿Cuántos idiomas hablas? You get the point. However, that's how I found out what her native language was (Tz'utujil - which contains that strange H sound you have to make in the back on your throat) and how to say the greeting. Well, I greeted every Mayan I could see from that point on and I must have butchered it pretty badly (considering it required a sort of clucking sound). I learned a little about her history (which was pretty hard stuff) and ended up buying her some of her favorite food... fried chicken ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita? Pollo frito... and then bidding her farewell.
We went to Guatemala City, which has tons of street children, and where slums are very much present. Everytime I visit slums my heart cries out and I yearn to be doing something more. I want to help the poor and desperate. ¿Cómo puedo ayudar los pobres? I don't want these people's living conditions to cause easily preventable illnesses. I want them to have clean, accessable water... nutritious, affordable food... good, available healthcare... strong, relevant education... in a nutshell: a way out of the poverty cycle. But most of all, I want them to know they are loved by their Heavenly Father. I want them to know that the King of Kings cares for them and wants to take all of their burdens. He hurts when they hurt and He cries when they cry.
(Lucas 6:20-21)
"Dichosos ustedes los pobres, porque el reino de Dios les pertenece.
Dichosos ustedes que ahora pasan hambre, porque serán saciados.
Dichosos ustedes que ahora lloran, porque luego habrán de reír."
(Lucas 6:20-21)
One weekend we ventured to Tac Tic where there is a famous sink hole. For a long time Mayans have been coming here to offer sacrifices and practice witchcraft. The place is black from all the fires made and you could see the remains of chickens, bottles, flowers, etc. It made me think how these people need Jesus... just like everyone else...
Okay, here I go again writing in white to leave a gap...So that was a very, very short summary of my trip to Guatemala. I have lots more to write about since that was only 1 month of an 8 month adventure to far away lands! Hold on to your seat (okay, it won't be that exciting) because you have yet to travel to the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, and Haiti. ¿Cuántos de ustedes saben que mi corazón está en la República Dominicana?