After completing my Discipleship Training School (through YWAM) in the Dominican Republic (which I have yet to talk about), I had a strong desire to return to that little island as soon as I could. I had a vague idea of what I wanted to do, but now after being home for several months I was beginning to lose the vision I had had. I started looking at different YWAM training schools I could go to after I took some Spanish courses at my university. So many of them interested me, but how could I choose? There is a Spanish school in Chile... a school in Uganda where you learn about health promotion in rural communities... a school in Guatemala where you learn Primary Health Care... a school in Costa Rica where you learn about Children at Risk... a school in Brazil where you learn about HIV/AIDS... and a school in Mexico where you learn about community development... They were/are all so appealing!
Then having been home for the last several days because of a post-poned house-building trip to Mexico and a week booked off work, I was bored of looking at training schools and I felt like I had no motivation to do anything. I decided I needed to go for a God-talk/walk so I went up the hill behind my house to enjoy the trees and the stillness.

During the walk I had this moment of deep revelation. Well, it was more like something just "clicked." I realized that my focus in the Dominican Republic would be
relationships. I wouldn't have a specific ministry that only focuses on the need itself, but I would have a personal ministry based on building relationships. It made total sense too. One thing I learned in the DTS is that the purpose of life is relationships: with God and with others.
I had been torn between ideas of ministries... should I focus on medical missions? If so, should I focus on education in communities, actually giving the medical attention myself, or specializing on HIV/AIDS or water sanitation? Should I focus on street children and start an orphanage or a program for children at risk? Or should I focus on the sex tourism problem and just work with prostitutes? And I can't forget about spreading the gospel... should I just go around preaching? Or should I work in the church and disciple youth? And what about starting a YWAM base? But now I had a clearer idea.
As I met people and spent time with them... whether buying vegetables together, chatting in their living room, or collecting plastic bottles in the dump... I would discover their needs and aim

to fill them. I would tell them about Jesus. If they didn't have a Bible I would take the honor of getting them one. If they didn't have a place to stay, I would take them in. If they were hungry or malnourished, I would give them something to eat. If they were a hurting and lonely prostitute, I would comfort them and speak words of life over them. If they needed medical attention, I would get them help. I would also teach people about basic hygiene and sanitation. I would live amongst the poor and make friends with my neighbours. This way I could also connect people with already existing ministries and I wouldn't have to "re-invent the wheel."
See a need. Fill a need.